Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Power of Pussy

This blog was born out of, believe it or not a lyric from a rap song.

Drake's latest album, Nothing Was the Same has been an enjoyable listen for myself, and his lyrical content has been more truthful, honest, and blunt then ever before. Finally coming into his own as a seasoned rapper, I think he's come to realize he can drop relevant, truthful lines because he's got it like that now. The fans, the fame, the money. Fresh out the gate, most artists don't want to step on toes, or make their presence known at the expense of other artists, but after a point of continued success you now have that right in a sense to come out of your shell, drop the shit that you've always wanted too, and not be phased by the backlash, because you're at that level, because you've attained everything you were trying too which was the fans, the fame, and the money.

Anyways this blog isn't dedicated to Drake, although I'm thinking about it know that I've started writing about him a bit lol, but the lyric came from the song, Connect, a slow tempo discussion of a toxic relationship with a female he simply can't move himself to leave, with the repetitive use of the word swangin discussing his movement back and forth to this female's place of habitation. (The word swangin has a few other meanings within the song as well) Moving on, the one line that would continuously stick out each time I would listen to this song was:

"She just wanna run around the city and make memories
That she can barely remember
And I'd allow her, talk about pussy power
She just wanna run over my feelings
Like she drinking and driving in an 18 wheeler
And I'd allow her, talk about pussy power"

As I continued to listen to the song, rehearing the lyrics time and time again, the words were further ingrained in my brain. about pussy power 

Pussy has power.

I know that, but it wasn't anything I'd ever taken the time to truly decipher. No doubt women had control over men, and in certain cases women due to their anatomy, and pussy power has been a career for women since the beginning of time.(There were prostitutes in Ancient Greece, believe it or not, it was a prominent and lucrative business since then.)

Pussy has power, and I think this blog will be a nice avenue to discussion,story tell, and above all else respect and praise the power of pussy.

I figured this would be a nice place to start, aha.