Saturday, November 16, 2013

Feminism: Feminist?

Feminism – the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. Prominence arose during the French and American revolutions in the late 18th century.
Derived from the French word: feminisme

-New Oxford Dictionary

                I feel as though there’s looseness as to how the word feminism is used and how the tittle of feminist is applied.

Being in college I've notice a new wave of young women rallying in the name of feminism and identifying by it, and that’s great. Beyond the educational experience one should be getting from college it’s hands down the most formative years for the future individual you will be; the person you’re becoming. An aspect of this growth process will of course be dedicated to one’s sexuality, and for some women (and men, but for the purpose of this post it’s strictly women) that means going through this almost explorative experience with multiple male or female partners, which I’m not condemning. But then these same young women identify as feminist after the walk of shame they shuffled through earlier that same day; and that confused me.

 You don’t just “put on” feminism or being feminist when it’s convenient for you and “take it off” after you've finished your charade. Feminism or being a feminist is a thought process, a mindset, a movement of advocacy. This misconception that one can be feminist when it’s fitting at that appointed time is a complete oxymoron. Being a feminist as far as I’m concerned is a very admirable tittle that unfortunately tends to get a bad reputation.

This new trending belief system (odds are it’s been around, but simply closeted) that one can be a feminist in the day and whoring around in the night is very unorthodox to me. Granted it’s a very touchy subject;  the relationship between feminism and sexual tendencies.; and there is a fine line between observing and realizing your sexuality as a woman…after all pussy power is the main title of this blog. And I advocate the understanding of one’s self to the fullest extent, that including your sexuality and what it harbors and possibly benefits in your life. But if your habitats include laying your worth down at the wayside for the first cat-call of the evening…I mean if you even respond to cat-calls as a woman in general, whether you identify as a feminist or not, is a serious problem.
Nevertheless my point is not to reign down some doctrine on how women should behave, sexually or otherwise, but don’t claim something you aren't. How can I take you seriously if I know your respect for yourself concludes at the different door you enter each night? Now again, I am not saying “Oh all feminist should be the reincarnated Mother Teresa.”

This is merely one person’s opinion; mine. And although this blog is fairly new my beliefs are not. I am not saying this is applicable to every young woman/woman feminist or otherwise but simply something seen in my experience thus far.

Attaining equality has and never will be easy; we started this crusade for rights over three centuries ago and the fight is still ongoing. That should speak volumes in of itself. I mean please have your sex, enjoy It too because being a feminist doesn't mean a loss of sexual freedom rather the gaining of freedom through the understanding of the worth you have as a woman.

Phew…I think I’m done lol

Blog Update:

I've noticed as of late that this blog has quickly evolved into more of an avenue that really explores feminism, rather than my original intention to explore the power of pussy…and I like that.  I guess it is become multifold if you will, and I think I want to equally dedicate opinions and thoughts to both because believe it or not, realizing that your femininity is power in itself is knowledge. I believe the two are closely related but the latter tends to be more of a taboo topic, which I hope to change. Please stay tuned to new and upcoming posts that will either incorporate or be directly related to either the power of pussy or feminism, whether it be a certain aspect or a more broad post discussing feminism overall.

Blog updates are simply messages written from myself directly to my readers informing of new changes and/or updates. These updates are in no way related to the post it is attached too and our solely designed to inform of changes occurring in regard to the blog.

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